Objective: The student will demonstrate appropriate behaviors when
in a retail store.
Language Arts Standard: Listening and Speaking
The Prop Box with things that might be in a retail store.
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete during
each role play. To download the student rubric, click here
The Lesson:
• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Brainstorm places teens where teens
shop. Explain that many American stores don't require interaction
between the store attendant and the customer. In smaller stores,
however, interaction is appropriate.
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
1. Greet the owner or attendant by looking at him or her and saying
"Hello." It's polite and let's them know that you are
aware that they are present.
2. Be careful of how you handle merchandise. If you break something,
you may be asked to pay for it.
3. Prices are usually on the bottom of an object or on a tag.
4. Try using the phrase "May I ask the value of this"
rather than "How much does this cost."
5. In America,most prices are fixed. In other countries, people
negotiate the price.
6. If you look at an object and remove it from its display position,
try putting it back the way you found it. (In many counties you
are not allowed to touch merchandise.
7. Follow the rules for trying on clothing. ** Know your measurements.
8 . Be quiet in the store.
9 . Say "thank you" as you leave the store if you don't
purchase something.
10. Make sure you have a receipt for the merchandise you purchase.
• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion
• Applications
• Independent Uses
Role Play One:______________________________ Date:
Name of Customer__________________ Name of Merchant:_____________
Did the customer follow the rules?
1. ___Greet the owner or attendant by looking at him or her and
saying "Hello." It's polite and let's them know that you
are aware that they are present.
2. ___Be careful of how you handle merchandise. If you break something,
you may be asked to pay for it.
3. ___ Prices are usually on the bottom of an object or on a tag.
4. ___Try using the phrase "May I ask the value of this"
rather than "How much does this cost."
5. ___If you look at an object and remove it from its display position,
try putting it back the way you found it. (In many counties you
are not allowed to touch merchandise.
6. ___Follow the rules for trying on clothing. ** Know your measurements.
7. ___Be quiet in the store.
8 . ___Say "thank you" as you leave the store if you don't
purchase something.
9 . ___ Make sure you have a receipt
Role Play Two:
Name of Customer (Guest)___________________ Name of
Did the customer follow the rules?
1___Greet the owner or attendant by looking at him or her and saying
"Hello." It's polite and let's them know that you are
aware that they are present.
2. ___Be careful of how you handle merchandise. If you break something,
you may be asked to pay for it.
3.___ Prices are usually on the bottom of an object or on a tag.
4. ___Try using the phrase "May I ask the value of this"
rather than "How much does this cost."
5. ___ If you look at an object and remove it from its display position,
try putting it back the way you found it. (In many countries you
are not allowed to touch merchandise.
6. ___Follow the rules for trying on clothing. ** Know your measurements.
7. ___Be quiet in the store.
8. ___Say"thank you" as you leave the store if you don't
purchase something.
9. ___ Make sure you have a receipt.
Related Idioms:
"Hot Merchandise"
Extension: Use of Yellow Pages to locate products