Title: How Rude: The Teenagers’ Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior, and Not Grossing People Out
Author: Dr. Alex J. Packer
Audience: Adult educators/leaders working with adolescent youth
Ordering Information: Extension Educational Resource Library
Annotated Bibliography: This author covers a variety of topics as he humorously and seriously addresses adolescent behaviors. Topics include: manners, social interactions, courtesy, home life, being a guest, school, friendship and romance, table manners, celebrations, conversation, etiquette on the web, clothes, personal hygiene, and personal politeness. There are approximately eight reproducible pages in the book.

Title: Ready to Use: Self Esteem and Conflict Solving Activities for Grades 4-8
Author: Beth Teolis
Audience: Educators/leaders working with students in grades 4-8
Ordering Information: Extension Educational Resource Library
Annotated Bibliography: This book offers 100 lessons and activities to build student security, friendships, positive identified and competence through goal-setting and conflict-solving skills. The author also points out how the activities can be used to enhance current programs! The book includes nine sections: teacher empowerment, student security, positive identify, friendship building, goal setting, competence, conflict solving, behavior that is not acceptable, and a final section that includes handouts.

Title: The Bully Free Classroom
Author: Dr. Allan Beane
Audience: Educator/leaders working with students in grades k-8
Ordering Information: Extension Educational Resource Library
Annotated Bibliography: This book offers 100 tips and strategies for educators in grades K-8 to use to deal with bullies (two books). The book is divided into four sections: creating a positive classroom, helping victims, helping bullies and resources. The author has included activities, surveys, guidelines and discussion to help educators who are dealing with this problem.

Title: Tough Decisions: 50 Activities in Values and Character Education
Author: Ann Bourman
Audience: Educators working with students grades 6-9
Ordering Information: Extension Educational Resource Library
Annotated Bibliography: Educators working with youth, grades six to nine will appreciate the 50 scenarios that encourage students to role play and discuss situations that include values such as honesty, politeness, helpfulness, and courtesy. Situations include cheating, drugs, dishonesty, treatment of animals, ridicule of other students, child abuse and others.