Classroom management: Students will be assigned to
cooperative learning groups that they will work in for this lesson.
They will work with their table groups. Large paper and pictures
will be taped on walls around room.
1. Students will be instructed that they will be writing words that
describe the photos on the walls. Teacher will ask students “What
are descriptive words?” (adjectives)
2. Teacher will wait for responses from class. Teacher will confirm
that the students will be using adjectives to describe pictures
on the walls.
3. Students will take five minutes to describe the photo in front
of them. When time is up, the groups will move to the next photo
and continue the list started by the previous group. The only catch
is that they cannot use the same words as the previous group. They
must come up with original words of their own.
4. This rotation will continue until each group has had the opportunity
to work on each picture.
5. When lists are complete, teacher will ask students to return
to their desks.
6. Teacher will them read some of the lists, reviewing them with
the class.
What students should be looking for:
Does the word describe the picture?
Is word listed only once?
Is each word found in the dictionary or is it a made up word?
Which picture was easiest/hardest to describe?
7. After a discussion about the activity, students will be asked
to work independently to write a story about one of the pictures
correctly using as many of the words on the list as possible in
the story.
8. Students will turn in stories for evaluation by teacher.