Objective: The student will apply humor to situations using sensitivity
to others feelings.
Language Arts Standard: Listening & Speaking
• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Review concept of Registers
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
1. Evaluate the situation. Is this a good time and place for humor?
2 . Evaluate the speaker. Read his or her body language. Interpret
his or her facial expression. Would he or she appreciate humor
at this time? Be aware that a fall or a mistake might be funny
at a later time, but immediately following the incident the person
may be hurt or sad.
3 . Is the subject of the humor appropriate?
4 . Make eye contact with the person.
5 . Share the humor.
6. Be sure the humor was taken correctly.
• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion
• Applications
• Independent Uses
Rubric for
the Role Plays
(Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________
Date: _____________________ Observer's Name:___________________________________________
Skill: ___________________________________
Observations: (Dramatic asides may be used) |
No |
Yes |
Did the student evaluate the situation?
Is this a good time and place for humor? |
Did the student think if he or she appreciate
humor at this time? |
Did the student think the subject of the
humor appropriate? |
Did the student make eye contact with the
person? |
Did the student share the humor with the
other person? |
Did the student check to make sure that
the humor was taken correctly? |
Score or Points |
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________