Making Appointments continued

4. Practice: Use this attached sheet for this group activity.

Peer Evaluation

Role Play One: Caller’s Name_________________ Reception Desk:______________
___Did the receptionist use a courteous tone of voice?
___Did he or she get the person’s name and phone number?
___Did he or she repeat back the appointment time?
___Did he or she end the conversation politely?

Role Play Two: Caller’s Name_________________ Reception Desk:______________
___Did the receptionist use a courteous tone of voice?
___Did he or she get the person’s name and phone number?
___Did he or she repeat back the appointment time?
___Did he or she end the conversation politely?

Role Play Three: Caller’s Name_________________ Reception Desk:______________
___Did the receptionist use a courteous tone of voice?
___Did he or she get the person’s name and phone number?
___Did he or she repeat back the appointment time?
___Did he or she end the conversation politely?

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