Safety Plan
"Safe schools are orderly and purposeful places
where students and staff are free to learn and teach without the threat
of physical violence and psychological harm. They are characterized
by sensitivity and respect for all individuals (including those of
other cultural and ethnic backgrounds), an environment of nonviolence,
clear behavioral expectations, disciplinary policies that are consistently
and fairly administered, students; affiliation and bonding to the
school support and recognition for positive behavior, and a sense
of community on the school campus. Safe schools also are characterized
by proactive security procedures, established emergency response plans,
timely maintenance, cleanliness, and a nice appearance of the campus
and classrooms."
Taken from "Safe Schools: A Planing Guide for Action"
California State Department of Education
Statement for Our School Safety
our school's Program is founded on the premise
that each and every student is capable of being successful.
We are committed to setting high expectations and assuring
the development of a strong foundation in basic skills. EDMS'
program emphasizes communication and problem solving skills,
and encourages students to think independently, creatively,
and critically in applying academic and social skills. |
School Beliefs:
• Promoting positive student self-concept, self-control, respect
for others, and personal responsibility is a high priority at our
• Student intellect, abilities, and social skills must be developed
to their fullest.
• The our school social and academic environment will be safe
and orderly.
• Students, parents, and staff have the right to expect the
best of each other.
• Recognition of student achievement and progress is an integral
part of our school program.
• Staff members recognize the importance of providing guidance
and exploratory experiences appropriate to our students' developmental
• Staff members recognize and value the importance of involving
parents in school programs.
• Effective communication between parents and school staff must
be developed and maintained.
• The education of our school students is best accomplished
when parents, school staff, community, business and public agencies
work together in a constructive and positive partnership.
• Staff members recognize the value of working as an interdisciplinary
team, to promote cross-curricular learning.
What makes our school an outstanding school?
• We are a proactive school dealing with the issues and concerns
today's students face.
• We provide a caring environment for students.
• Teachers have high expectations and believe that all of their
students can and will succeed.
• Instructional practices focus on basic skills and academic
• We have developed a highly successful study skills support
program for all students. (i.e. Homework Improvement Class and Math
• Students with special needs are integrated into regular classes
promoting an understanding and acceptance of persons with physical
• There is frequent public recognition of student achievement.
• There is strong instructional leadership.
• Parent education is provided and parent involvement in the
school program is consistently encouraged.
• School goals are developed by staff and communicated to students
and parents.
• The school program is evaluated regularly.
• There is opportunity for staff development.
• Student progress is reviewed frequently.
• Cultural diversity is recognized and celebrated.
• Considerable effort is directed toward implementing recommended
middle school program reforms.
• Staff teaming provides deeper and broader learning by students.
Students are engaged in learning by a wide variety of hands-on experiences
across the curriculum.
Table of Contents
I. An assessment of the current status of school crime
II. Strategies and programs:
A. Child Abuse reporting procedures 7
B. Disaster procedures, routines and emergency 8-20
C. Policies regarding actions which would lead to suspension
and/or expulsion 21
D. Procedures to notify teachers of dangerous pupils
E. Sexual harassment policy 22-23
F. School-wide dress code 24
G. Procedures for safe ingress and egress of pupils
H. Rules and procedures on school discipline 27-37
I. Other safe school strategies and programs 38-46
a. Instructional Leadership
b. Video Policy
c. Anti Bullying Policy and Report Form
d. Handling Challenged Materials
e. Classroom Visitors Procedures
III. Action plan (optional) 47
Student management is conducted in a manner consisted
with federal law, the Education Code of California, governing board
policies, and district administrative rules. With regard to student
discipline, school staff also adhere to the procedures set forth in
the District Student Conduct and Discipline Handbook.
I. An Assessment of the Current Status
of School Crime
• Our suspension rate has declined in the last
three years as we have created alternative consequences for misbehavior
and as we have successfully established effective programs to help
students solve conflicts and learn to avoid problems. We are using
alternate methods of discipline, when appropriate; including a "time-out"
room, "in-house" suspension, Saturday School, and community
• Students at our school feel comfortable coming
to an adult to help them settle problems. We use the Life Skills program
to teach a common vocabulary and problem solving skills. We emphasize
a different Life Skill each day in our morning bulletin. We read from
the Words of Wisdom program each week over our intercom system. Administrators
visit individual classes and discuss school expectations, rules and
school values.
• Any student fighting or having difficulty getting
along with others are referred to Jim Hernandez for anger management.
Students exhibiting on-going problems are seen by the New Connections
counselors, BWA counselors, our school psychologist or our school
psychologist intern.
II. Strategies and Programs:
A. Child Abuse Reporting Procedures:
All school staff actively monitor the safety and welfare of all students.
Staff understand their responsibility as child care custodians and
immediately report all cases of known and suspected child abuse.
To assure that school staff have adequate training,
newly hired teachers sign a statement indicating their completion
of child abuse training as part of their certification requirement;
school administrators, teachers, classroom assistants, and other classified
school employees participate in periodic training in child abuse identification
and reporting procedures. Written descriptions of reporting requirements
and disclosure of employee confidentiality rights ar also provided
as part of training.
When a case of child abuse becomes apparent or is suspected,
discussion is conducted with the employee having the knowledge of
the abuse and a school administrator. Plans are developed at this
time to verbally report the abuse to the police department or to Child
Protective Services in a timely manner and to complete a written "Suspected
Child Abuse Report" within the required three days. Plans are
also completed to assure ongoing monitoring of the student. School
staff work closely with police and Child Protective Services with
follow up actions as needed.
Considerable effort is made to maintain the confidentiality
of the student and employee in all cases of child abuse reporting.
Copies of all written reports are maintained in the school office
and in the district Student Services Department.
References: District Student Conduct and Discipline Handbook,
"Child Abuse and Neglect."
District Policy 5144.4
B. Disaster Procedures, Routine and Emergency.
Emergency Procedures
Master Plan
I. Statement of General Responsibility
All staff members are directly responsible for the protection of students
and school assets. Administrators and teachers must ensure that appropriate
steps are taken during emergencies.
Emergency guidelines are described in:
1. The District Emergency Preparedness Manual
2. The our school Disaster Plan
In an emergency, staff members are expected to:
1. Ensure that students are properly notified when an
emergency occurs.
2. Take appropriate action with students as directed
or as conditions require.
3. Initiate first aid, rescue, equipment shutdown, or
damage control as needed.
4. Account for all students. Notify the principal of
missing persons, or of any employees or students who require medical
5. Maintain a readily available list of students.
Public employee responsibilities as disaster workers: Government code
3100: Declaration: Public employees as disaster service workers.
"All public workers are hereby declared to be disaster service
workers subject to such disaster services activities as may be assigned
to them by their supervisors or by law."
Priority Release:
Staff with special home conditions, such as infant children or invalid
relatives, are invited to submit a written petition for "first
opportunity" release after the crisis stages of an emergency.
The administrator in charge will exercise this release at the earliest
Code Blue
Should a situation occur where it is unsafe for any
person to be outside the classroom these steps will be taken:
There will be an intercom alert stating "CODE BLUE IN EFFECT."
Staff and students will go directly inside classrooms.
Shut windows.
Close curtains.
Close doors.
Quietly wait inside until situation is resolved and intercom announcement
states "CODE BLUE OVER."
II. Basic Emergency Actions
1. Standby
Tell students in your area to stand by for further information.
2. Evacuate Building/Grounds
If evacuation of the buildings is necessary, everyone must immediately
move in an orderly manner from inside the buildings to outside staging
areas. Teachers and other staff members without class assignments
are to report to the Principal. If evacuation of the school grounds
is required, staff members and students will proceed in class groups
to a nearby staging area (park, school, etc.) as determined by the
principal. Follow disaster procedures if necessary.
3. To Shelter
All persons outside are directed to move inside. Staff members instruct
students to assemble in the interior of buildings and away from windows.
Follow disaster procedures if necessary.
4. Take Cover
Drop to the floor, take protective position under desks or furniture
with backs to windows and hands covering head and face. If outside,
move away from buildings and trees and take protective position. Follow
disaster procedures if necessary.
5. Convert Building
Prepare building for conversion into a mass-care center.
6. Re-Entry
When all-clear signal is given, students and staff should re-enter
buildings in an orderly manner.
III. Emergency Procedures
The District Emergency preparedness Manual lists specific steps for these
Chemical Accident/Explosion/Fallen Aircraft
Riot/Civil Disorder/Threatening Individuals
Bomb Threat
Tornado/Severe Windstorm
Vicious/Suspected Rabid Animals
All staff should review and be familiar with the procedures
in this document. Site specific plans related to a major disaster
are outlined in the next part of this plan.
C. Crisis Response Team
Members: Principal
Vice Principal
Student Services Administrator
School Psychologist
School Nurse
Office Manager
The Crisis Response Team has been trained to respond to a crisis at
school where students might be in need of counseling due to a death
or other devastating event. Each member of the team has materials
to deal with a crisis.
In the event of a crisis the Action Plan will be used.
School _____our school Middle____________________
WHO will do
? staff
? student
Office Manager
Notify CRT
Determine need and space
As necessary
By phone and intercom
? staff
? student
Office Manager
Notify CRT
Determine need and space
As necessary
By phone and intercom
? staff
? student
Office Manager
Notify CRT
Determine need and space
As necessary
By phone and intercom
Devastating Accident:
? staff
? student
Office Manager
Notify CRT
Determine need and space
As necessary
By phone and intercom
Earthquake/ Natural Disaster:
? staff
? student
Determine evacuation or lock down
Communicate over intercom if possible.
our school Disaster Plan
This plan focuses on earthquakes due to likelihood of a major disaster
in this area being caused by an earthquake. Procedures following some
other disastrous event will be very similar to procedures outlined
Because earthquakes strike without warning, life-protecting
actions must be taken immediately at the first indication of ground
shaking. There will be no time to think through what must be done.
Therefore, of all earthquake preparedness measures, earthquake drills
are the most important. Building evacuations will be conducted monthly
and duck and cover drills will be conducted each semester. Their purpose
is to help students and staff learn how to react immediately and appropriately.
The essential components of earthquake drills are classroom
discussions, demonstrations, and exercises designed to help students
learn and practice where to seek shelter and how to protect their
heads and bodies from falling objects (debris from ceilings, light
fixtures, shattered glass, etc.)
Effective earthquake drills simulate:
1. Actions to be taken during an actual earthquake.
2. Actions to be taken immediately after the ground shaking stops.
Building evacuation following an earthquake is imperative due to the
potential danger of fires and explosions, or gas leaks.
School staff members will receive annual inservice in preparing for
implementing this disaster plan. Students will be involved in classroom
activities as described above and will participate in a disaster preparedness
assembly as sixth-graders. Parents will be invited to attend evening
meetings dealing with earthquake preparedness and the school's response
to such a disaster. The school administration will conduct the inservice
with staff and student and the school Site Council shall provide the
parent training.
Earthquake Action Plan
Inside or outside, when a major earthquake occurs:
If inside, stay inside during ground shaking.
In classrooms or offices, move away from windows, shelves,
and heavy objects and furniture that may fall. Take cover under a
table, desk, or counter.
If a "shelter" is not available, move to
an inside wall or corner, turn away from windows, kneel alongside
wall, bend head close to knees or head with elbows, and clasp hands
firmly behind neck.
If notebooks or jackets are handy, hold these overhead
for added protection from flying glass and ceiling debris. Remain
in sheltered position for at least 60 seconds.
The duration of ground shaking depends on a number
of factors, including the severity of the earthquake. Advise students
to anticipate shorter or longer episodes of ground shaking during
actual earthquakes and aftershocks.
If outside, follow the directions of the nearest adult.
Avoid power lines, buildings and trees.
In halls, stairways, or other areas where no cover is
available, follow the above advice.
In library, immediately move away from windows and bookshelves
and take appropriate cover.
In the science lab or shops, all burners should be extinguished
(if possible) before taking cover. Stay clear of hazardous chemicals
that may spill.
Earthquake Hazards Commonly Found in School Buildings
Glass that shatters or flies around.
Objects stored above head level on shelves, walls, and ceilings (i.e.
unused projectors, books, science equipment, boxes).
Objects that block movement to safe places (books on floors, tipped
Cabinets without latches.
Objects stored on wheels.
Open shelving without a lip or restraining wire.
Free-standing cabinets.
Blocked exits.
Objects in hallways that block movement (glass, tables, locker contents).
Earthquake Action Plan
Settling down after the first shock
1. After the first shock, teachers will evacuate classrooms,
being alert to the possibility of aftershocks.
2. When leaving the classroom, teachers should make
every effort to take with them the roll book and emergency supplies
in the backpack. Announce that no student is to return to a room unless
3. When possible, avoid walking under the roof overhangs.
4. Students in wheel chairs should be assigned a "buddy"
in each classroom. The buddy is to provide assistance as needed.
5. Leave the classroom door unlocked and place a chair
outside the door to indicate that the classroom is empty.
6. Classes are to walk with their teacher out to the
blacktop and then are to line up with their first period teacher.
Students are to be instructed to always meet their first period class
on the blacktop, regardless of the time of the day. Teachers without
a first period class will be assigned to assist another class or another
7. Once the students are lined up with their first
period class they are to sit down, weather permitting. Teachers are
to take roll. They are to write the names of any missing student on
a yellow post-it. A runner will collect the post-its and take them
to the command center.
8. Teachers are to remain with their class until reentry
to the buildings has been approved, or they have been picked up by
parents or other authorized persons.
9. Schools will remain open indefinitely until every
child has been released to parents or to an authorized person.
Personnel Responsibilities
During an Extended Period After an Earthquake
A. The Principal shall:
1. Appoint guards to see that no unauthorized person
goes back into the buildings until they have been declared safe.
2. Post traffic control at gates to keep parking lot
free for emergency vehicles.
3. Assess total school situation and check with superintendent.
4. Announce location of disaster and first-aid centers;
call on principal's designee(s) to operate the first-aid center.
5. Direct the recovery of all disaster related and
medical supplies, equipment, and information listings from the first-aid
supply stations.
6. Oversee conservation and distribution of water.
7. See that parents and guardians are notified as soon
as possible of any serious injury to students; if necessary, send
injured children to emergency centers designated by the city.
8. Release students according to the superintendent's
directive. Coordinate with Westwood Elementary so that siblings may
be dismissed together.
9. Release teachers at the Principal's discretion.
B. The teachers shall:
1. Remain with their class group, or report to their
assigned task if they do not have a class group.
2. Teachers are in charge of all first aid for the
students in their class group until an emergency first-aid station
has been established. Students with major injuries are to remain in
the classroom supervised by one teacher from a buddy group; students
with minor injuries are to be cared for after evacuation. Teachers
or a designated student are to place a chair outside of their classroom
to indicate that everyone has evacuated safely. No chair signals injured
people remain in the room.
3. When evacuating the classroom, take emergency backpack
and, if possible, the roll book.
4. Check with buddy classes when evacuating. If there
are seriously injured persons who cannot be moved, assign one teacher
to remain. Other teachers evacuate the rest of the students.
5. Take roll. Send notice to disaster center immediately
of any student who is not with the class group, noting possible whereabouts,
i.e., library, absent from school, etc. Take roll periodically throughout
the emergency period.
6. Note on class roster in emergency kit the name of
anyone who for any reason leaves the class group: to go to first-aid
center, disaster center, home, home of authorized person.
A. Teachers are asked to be specific in noting the
names and addresses of those to whom students are released if other
than parents.
B. Note on records time student was released.
C. Record any unusual behavior or any first aid given. (Include all
aid, even minor problems.)
7. If the student is released to anyone other than a parent or authorized
person, i.e., to first-aid center, write the student's name on the
student in permanent ink. (The student may go into shock or become
unconscious later and not be able to give name. If student is sent
to a medical center away from school, identification is even more
8. Be aware that there are many members of the community
who are expected to assist those at schools: search and rescue volunteers,
persons with special skills or equipment, those who have stored supplies,
and volunteers to help teachers.
9. Encourage students to talk about their experiences
and feelings. Talking is the best way for a fearful child to give
expression to concerns. Maintaining verbal contact with student will
not only provide reassurance, but will allow the anxious child the
means to vent apprehensions. Talking it out is absolutely essential
in psychological adjustment to the disaster.
10. As the time period extends, remind students that
they are in perhaps the safest place possible under disaster conditions.
Fill in time with games, songs, stories, exercise, and rest periods.
C. The secretarial staff shall:
1. Under the direction of the principal, provide for
the preservation of essential school records.
2. Monitor radio emergency broadcasts.
3. Direct volunteers to locations where needed.
D. The custodial staff shall:
1. Check water, gas, and electricity; if so directed
by the principal, turn off utilities and intake valve on water heaters.
2. Assist in any fire-fighting or recovery activities.
3. Help set up emergency sanitation facilities if needed.
Throughout this plan, all key persons have been designated
by role. It is assumed that each of these persons will have one or
two people trained to carry out their responsibilities in their stead
if necessary.
Organization During a Major Emergency
A Command Center will begin to operate immediately after
a disaster. This is where record-keeping, communications, and major
decision-making will take place. The person in charge will be there.
Primary location
School office
Alternate locations
1. Room G-1 4. Mini Gym
2. Room A-5 5. Room M-1
3. Room D-6 6. Pod
Communications: Communications are a major responsibility
of the command center. If electricity is available, communications
will be handled by runner and by using the school public address system.
If electricity is not available, communications will be conducted
by runner, use of walkie-talkies, and bullhorns. In the absence of
electricity, communication with district officials will be conducted
via a runner/cyclist. Such communications will be done in coordination
with Westwood and Concord High School.
1. Principal
2. Vice Principal
3. Student Services Administrator
A temporary first-aid center shall be established in
the Mini-Gym.
Should the need arise for a morgue, the wood shop room,
S-1, shall be so designated.
In the event of a major disaster requiring the housing
of students for an extended period, students shall be held at school
and only released to a parent, or a person authorized in writing by
the parent. Exception to this may be made by the principal or a designee.
Disaster emergency cards shall be made available to
parents at the beginning of the school year and kept in a backpack
in the student's first period class.
Containers of emergency supplies are located in the
following rooms:
Teacher's Lounge
Music Room
Supplies are in large plastic trash cans labeled "Earthquake
Supplies." Water is stored in a cabinet near the emergency can.
The PFC has agreed to provide fresh water yearly by calling Alhambra
every December.
Special Assignments During a
Major Emergency
Included in the decision-making and coordination duties
of the command center is the assignment of personnel, coordination
of special services, assessment of injuries, damage to buildings,
condition of supplies, identification and correction of hazardous
conditions, the establishment of a search and rescue team, establishment
of housing and food services, maintaining communications with local
agencies and school district officials, and the provision for sanitation
needs. The principal shall be responsible for establishing and directing
the operations of the command center.
Establish the communications center. Assist in coordination
of command center.
Establish and coordinate activities at the first-aid
One teacher in each wing shall be designated as building
coordinator. He/she shall be responsible to collect and communicate
teacher reports on first aid, attendance, structural conditions.
Shut off utilities and survey facilities for damage.
Assist the principal in establishing building security.
FIRST-AID KIT Staff Lounge
Pod Music Room
1. First-aid manual
2. Hemostats
3. Scissors
4. Burn sheets
5. Triangular bandages
6. Stretch gauze bandages
7. Band aids
8. Sanitary napkins
9. Instant ice packs
10. Latex gloves
11. First-aid tape
12. Tweezers
13. 8 X 10 multi dressings
14. 5 X 9 multi dressings
15. 4 X 4 multi dressings
16. 3 X 3 multi dressings
17. antibacterial hand wash
TOOL KIT Staff Lounge
Pod Music Room
1. work gloves
2. flashlights
3. duct tape
4. rope
5. spray paint
6. pliers
7. needle nose pliers
8. hammer
9. nails
10. crowbar
11. tarps
12. radio
13. batteries (AA & D)
Pod Music Room
1. paper towels
2. toilet paper
3. cups
4. bed sheets
5. space blankets
6. sterile top sheet
7. sterile pillow cover
8. clipboard/paper & pen
9. water packets
our school Disaster Emergency Card
Student’s Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Street City
Home phone# ___________________________________ Birth
date ____________________ Grade ______ M ____ F ____
Siblings ________________________ School ___________________
Siblings ________________________ School ___________________
Siblings ________________________ School ___________________
Siblings ________________________ School ___________________
1. ___________________________________________________________________
Phone # __________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
Phone # __________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
Phone # __________________________
Out-of-state contact ___________________________________________________
Phone # __________________________
*Other responsible persons may be designated by school
Signed ______________________________________________________________
Date _____________________________
Picked up by _________________________________________
Date _____________________ Time __________ a.m./p.m.
WORDFILE\SAFETY\PLAN 2001 Complete other side
our school Disaster Emergency Card
Personal Physician
Phone number
Hospital Insurance Policy #
Fire Drill and Building Evacuation Plan
C. Policies Regarding Actions Which Would
Lead to Suspension and/or Expulsion.
In adherence to district policy 5141.1(a), "It is the policy
of the governing board to allow suspension or recommend expulsion
only when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct.
However, a pupil may be suspended for any of the reasons enumerated
in Policy 5131.1.2(a) and (b) upon a first offense, if the principal
of the school at which the pupil attends determines that the pupil
violated Subdivision 1, points A, B, C, D, or Policy 5131.1.3(a) or
(b) or that the pupil's presence causes a danger to persons or property
or threatens to disrupt the instructional process."
Prior to suspending a student, a school conference
is held with the student and an administrator to discuss the student's
offense except in cases when the student is not available. Parents
are notified of the offense and the suspension in a timely manner
after the decision is made to suspend the student. If necessary, a
principal's conference may be scheduled before the end of the suspension
period to discuss terms of returning to school with a behavior contract
or to consider further disciplinary action, including an administrative
transfer to another school or recommending expulsion. If an administrative
transfer is determined appropriate, the student and parent will be
notified in a timely manner verbally and in writing by the school
principal. Following such a decision, a district Student Services
Administrator will contact the parent to discuss the student's placement
while waiting for the case to be acted on at the district level.
Offenses that result in mandatory suspension and referral
for expulsion with the principal having the ability to make an exception
if appropriate include:
1. Caused serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense.
2. Possessed any knife, explosive, or other dangerous object of no
reasonable use to the student.
3. Unlawful possession of any controlled substance listed in Chapter
2 (Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code except
for the first offense for the sale of not more than one avoirdupois
ounce of marijuana. other than concentrated cannabis.
4. Robbery or extortion.
5. Assault or battery, as defined by Sections 240 and 242 of the Penal
Code on any school employee.
Offenses that result in mandatory suspension and referral
for expulsion with the principal having no ability to make an exception
1. Possession/selling/furnishing a firearm at school or at a school
2. Brandishing a knife at another person.
3. Unlawfully selling a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (Section
11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code.
4. Committing/attempting to commit a sexual assault/battery as defined
in E.C. 48900(n).
The governing board authorizes school officials to
inspect school property and search students, student lockers, desks,
and/or personal property. School administrators must have reasonable
suspicion, based on objective facts, that a student is violating or
has violated a school rule, regulation, or statute. The scope of the
search must be reasonably related to the objective of the search and
not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student
and the nature of the infraction. Procedures used in conducting searches
will follow those set forth in district policy 5145.1.2. Frequently,
police officers assist school officials in conducting searches.
References District Student Conduct and Discipline Handbook:
"Other Means of Correction"
"Search and Seizure"
District Policy 5131.1.2 and 5131.1.3, 5145.1.2
D. Procedures to Notify Teachers of Dangerous Pupils.
Each September and February, all teachers are provided with a list
of enrolled students who have one or more suspensions of a serious
or violent nature. This list includes student suspensions for the
current year plus the previous three years. The following procedure
is used in notifying teachers of the suspension history:
1. Suspension lists are provided to each teacher using
a routing sheet. All teachers sign the routing slip indicating their
review of the data.
2. Teachers are advised about the confidential nature of the data.
3. All routing sheets and suspension reports are to be returned and
filed in the school office.
To notify teachers of suspensions as they occur during
the school year, the following process is used: Teachers are provided
with a copy of the student suspension form. Teachers are advised about
the confidential nature of the data.
When students are administratively transferred from
one school to another for disciplinary reasons, teachers (to whom
the student is assigned) at the new school are notified by the school
administration and provided with written information about reasons
for the student's transfer and a copy of the student's behavior contract.
Copies of the written notice are maintained in the school office.
When the district receives information from the juvenile
court system that a student has been convicted of the serious or violent
crime requiring teacher notification, the principal and the teachers
are provided with written notice from the district Student Services
Department. Copies of this notice are maintained in the school office
and the district Student Services' Office.
References District Student Conduct and Discipline Handbook:
"Assault and/or Battery on an Employee-Employee Protection"
"Notification to Certificated Staff"
"Administrative Intra district Transfer"
District Policy 4148,4248,4348
E. Sexual Harassment Policy:
Sexual harassment of any student or employee by another person is
prohibited. District Policy 4118.1.5. and 5145.7 prohibits sexual harassment
of employees and students. School rules prohibit sexual harassment.
Students are directed to immediately report incidents
of sexual harassment to an administrator or teacher. All reports are
thoroughly investigated in a timely manner. A school administrator
will determine an appropriate course of action for each complaint.
Actions may include the following:
A. Student counseling and education, when appropriate
B. Parent notification, when appropriate
C. A report to the police or Child Protective Services as appropriate
or required by law.
D. Student disciplinary actions may include suspension, placing on
a behavior contract, other appropriate means of corrections, or a
recommendation for expulsion.
District policy related to sexual harassment of students
requires the following:
A. Posting of the district's sexual harassment policy in a prominent
location near each principal's office.
B. Notifying the staff, students, and parents of the sexual harassment
policy at the beginning of each school year or at the time of enrollment.
C. Including notification of the sexual harassment policy as part
of any orientation materials or programs for new students at the beginning
of the year or with new students when they enroll.
D. Including the sexual harassment policy in school and district publications.
E. Taking appropriate administrative actions to reinforce the district
by providing staff inservice and student instruction and/or counseling.
F. Directing that teacher-led discussion be conducted on this policy
with students in "age appropriate ways" and assuring students
in that discussion that they need not endure any form of sexual harassment.
Students and/or their parents, can use the District's Uniform Complaint
Procedure (District Policy 1312.1) to file a formal complaint of sexual
harassment. Our sexual harassment policy is publicly posted and informs
students and parents of their right to use this process. The notice
states: "Any student who believes he or she has been subjected
to sexual harassment prohibited by Board Policy 5145.7 should immediately
report incidents of sexual harassment to the principal or other school
administrator. Any student who feels that he or she is being harassed
may file a written complaint in accordance with the procedures set
forth in the Uniform Complaint Procedures described in Board of Education
Policy 1312.1. Each complaint of sexual harassment shall be promptly
investigated in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned."
References: District Student Conduct and Discipline Handbook, "Nondiscrimination/Harassment."
District Policy 4118.1.5 and 5145.7
F. School-Wide Dress Code.
Students, staff, volunteers and visitors are the Our School Safety community. This Dress Code is for and by the Community. It
must be evaluated each year through cooperative planning so that community
standards are kept current. This code, with current community standards,
must be clearly posted (revised 4/2001).
As a member of the EDMS community, each person will
show respect for themselves and others safety by not wearing clothing
that have offensive, distracting, disrespectful, or unsafe symbols
or written messages.
As a member of the EDMS community, each person will
take responsibility for applying the Dress Code consistently.
As a member of the EDMS community, each person has the
right and responsibility to make a polite request that the Dress Code
be honored. If it is not honored, a student may be cited with a violation
and may call home to get appropriate clothing, wear a P. E. uniform,
or wear clothing provided by the office.
School is your place of business.
Dress for Success
1. Students may not wear clothing or have personal belongs
with messages and/or symbols that are disrespectful (rude, slur, put
down), offensive (unpleasant, attacking, disgusting, hostile) and/or
distracting (attracting attention that interferes with learning and
teaching), such as:
A. Offensive ethnic remarks
B. Violence/death
C. Drugs, including alcohol and tobacco
D. Sexual slurs
E. Harassment
F. Suicide
G. Put downs
2. Clothing that shows parts of the body inappropriately is not allowed.
Examples of appropriate clothing:
A. Tank tops must have modest necklines and armholes.
B. Shorts, skirts, shorts, and dresses must be mid thigh in length
and/or modest when sitting, standing, or bending over.
C. See-through shirts may be worn over appropriate tops.
D. Shirts must cover the waistband. No crop tops.
Examples of inappropriate clothing:
A. Underwear showing, including bra straps or boxer shorts.
B. Very tight clothing.
C. Shirts with low cut arm holes.
3. Perfumes/colognes may only be worn with consideration of others.
4. Students may not wear clothing or accessories that
are unsafe:
A. Any colors used by a group as a uniform that can be identified
with an unsafe message or activity.
B. Articles of clothing or jewelry identifying the individual with
an unsafe activity or group.
C. Jewelry that could be used for violence.
D. Chains must be on wallets only, 12-14 inches in length, including
the wallet. Chains must be kept in pockets.
E. Head coverings, such as hats, scarves, bandanas, etc., are not
allowed. Students may wear sweatshirts or jackets with hoods on cold
or rainy days. Hoods must be removed when entering a classroom or
any school building.
F. Regulation P.E. head coverings, any plain white hat, may be worn
during outside activity time, as protection from the sun.
G. Sagging pants are not appropriate.
We respectfully request that adults visiting and volunteering
on campus or at school events model our dress code guidelines.
G. Procedures for Safe Ingress and Egress of Pupils.
are to use the Westwood Loop or the Mendocino Gate. Do not use the
bus loop directly in front of the school. (It is for the handicapped
busses only.) Both locations can be crowded. Give yourself plenty
of time. Remember school begins at 8:09 a.m. everyday. School ends
at 2:45 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday), 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
1. Do not drive into the Staff Parking Lot, unless you plan to park
in the visitors stalls.
2. Visitor parking is limited to the spaces along the fence facing
West St. All other spaces are assigned to staff members.
3. Be careful not to park and/or drop off students along West Street
in the red zones.
1. Use the West Street sidewalk to go to and from the school. Walk
through the “OUR PROUD” front gate. Do NOT go through
the Staff Parking Lot or down the alley between Westwood Elementary
and our school.
2. Walk on the sidewalk and use the marked crosswalks in front of
the school and along Mendocino. “Jay Walking” is illegal.
You can get a ticket!
3. Stop riding bicycles when you get to the campus.
4. Bikes must be stored in the bike cage. They must be locked. They
must be registered with our school and a sticker will be issued.
5. Skateboards, roller blades, and scooters are not allowed at our
6. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items.
If it is very valuable or very important to you, please do not bring
it to school.
7. The bike cage is locked when school begins and unlocked at the
end of the day.
Staff are assigned to supervise 15 minutes before and
after school at the designated exits and entrances and the hallways,
blacktop, and field areas.
Morning Duty: 7:54-8:09 a.m.
Afternoon Duty (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.): 2:45-3:00 p.m. (Wednesday):
2:00-2:15 p.m.
Main Parking Lot
? Walkers must use side or bike lanes and not cut through the parking
? Bikes must be walked in the yellow bike lane to/from the sidewalk.
? Bikes may not be ridden in the main parking lot or in the parking
lot between
our school and Westwood.
? Watch for non-our school students and alert administration/office.
? Confiscate bikes and/or report names of students misusing them.
Flagpole Area in Front of School
? Smoking (even by high school students) is not permitted on our grounds
(including sidewalk). High school students are not allowed on campus.
? "Horseplay" is not allowed.
? Once they arrive in the morning, students are not allowed to leave
? Move students onto campus. Do not allow them to "hang out"
in front of the school.
? Once they leave in the afternoon, students should be discouraged
from returning.
? Confiscate bikes and/or report names of students misusing them.
? Watch for non-our school students and alert administration/office.
Main and Back Corridors
? No riding of bikes in halls.
? No running.
? Balls must be carried, not bounced, through the halls.
? P.M. duty teachers should begin "clearing" the halls of
students about 2:50.
? Watch for non our school students and alert administration/office.
? Confiscate bikes and/or report names of students misusing them.
Bike Area
? No loitering inside bike cage.
? Only bike owners should be in cage; friends must wait outside.
? Walk bikes on the blacktop.
? Park and lock bike perpendicular (facing in) to the bike racks (due
to limited space).
? Confiscate bikes and/or report names of students misusing them.
Blacktop near Pod
? Monitor area surrounding pod and (p.m.) clear the area of students
by 2:50 (1:55 Wednesday.)
? Be alert for non our school students (middle/high school) and alert
? No running or riding of bikes. No horseplay.
? Students must stay away from parked cars.
Blacktop near Gym
? Monitor field area near path to Mendocino and the area behind the
? Report any potential problems to administration/office.
? Bikes must be walked on the blacktop.
*Bring confiscated bikes to the office and attach name
of student to the item. They will be stored in the bookroom for parent
H. Rules and Procedures on School Discipline.
Philosophy of Discipline
• Behavior expectations and the consequences
for not meeting expectations must be clearly communicated to all students
and their parents (in writing as well as verbally).
• The severity of consequences for violating
behavior expectations increases with each incident of inappropriate
• The consequences for violating behavior expectations
should be severe enough to discourage students from making poor behavior
• Expectations and consequences should permit
students an opportunity to eliminate inappropriate behavior.
Additionally, the school staff recognizes that the middle
school years are a transition time from adolescence to young adulthood.
As a part of this transition, the student is given greater opportunities
to be responsible and demonstrate independence and good judgment.
The structure of our behavior expectations (in the classroom as well
as school wide) is meant to encourage students to be responsible.
The first step in many instances of inappropriate behavior (those
considered to be "minor") is a simple warning ("Your
behavior is unacceptable. Please stop such behavior"). It is
only when a student ignores such warnings and continues to choose
to act irresponsibly (like a child rather than an emerging adult)
that we involve parents and implement consequences.
Elements of a Good Discipline Program
1. The program is focused upon making the entire campus, especially
the classroom, a safe, supportive and orderly environment for learning
for students and staff.
2. Classroom authority is retained by the classroom teacher. (Administration's
role is to support, not to replace.)
3. Rules and procedures are clearly understood by staff and students.
4. All staff members will acknowledge and take appropriate action
on any minor or major infraction of the school rules.
5. Rules and procedures comply with State Law and District policies.
6. The program recognizes the responsibilities and the rights of students
and staff.
7. Program is structured to keep students in class and engaged in
the educational process.
8. Rules are enforced:
A. by all staff members at all times.
B. strictly, but not rigidly (beware of "automatics").
C. in substantial part by adult modeling.
D. using techniques that promote the growth of positive self-esteem.
E. as close to the source as is possible.
F. by keeping parents informed.
9. The discipline program is understood, endorsed, and supported by
staff, parents, and students.
Expectations in Developing & Maintaining
As Principal of our school, I will expect
Each teacher to have a defined system of classroom management. A written
description of this system, including representative examples of the
progressive interventions you intend to employ, will be approved and
filed by me. Whenever possible and appropriate, teachers are encouraged
to use standards and systems that are consistent with other village/department
You can expect
Each administrator to assist and support you in every reasonable way
in developing, implementing, and refining that system as needed.
I will expect
That when you refer a student for discipline:
1. The student has been made fully aware of classroom and school rules
and knows what rules he/she has violated.
2. Teachers within a village will discuss any continuing behavior
problems and schedule a team conference with the student and parents
when appropriate.
3. That information will be provided on the referral regarding previous
actions you have taken regarding this specific issue.
4. You have exhausted the interventions at your disposal (i.e., you
have done everything you can do) and you have followed the guidelines
established by the administration and staff on what constitutes an
appropriate behavior referral.
5. The behavior was so serious or so blatant as to make immediate
removal from the classroom necessary.
6. The written referral will be explicit in stating the offense(s).
7. You will send the student out of class with a referral only if
his/her continued presence in the class would disrupt or prevent teaching
and/or learning.
8. If necessary, the referral will be delivered to the office at a
time convenient to the staff member so that the issue may be handled
most efficiently, causing a minimum of lost class time.
You can expect
1. Each administrator to support your position in every reasonable
2. A response time on your referral of one, or at most, two days.
3. The availability of an administrator to discuss unresolved referrals
after school on any given day.
4. That the administrator will exercise independent judgment regarding
disposition of referrals.
I will expect
1. That each teacher will go to the doorway of his/her classroom after
each class period as often as possible and assume control of student
behavior in the corridor.
2. That each staff member will hold students accountable for their
behavior on the school grounds at all times.
You can expect
1. Administrator support, investigation, and follow-through as indicated.
2. A response to referrals from incidents outside the classroom to
be the same as to those within.
Barbara Weil
Both behavioral and academic problems are present in some of our students.
Teachers often ask for guidelines for dealing with these problems.
Here they are:
1. Talk to the administrator assigned to your grade level.
2. Call parents at first sign of concern. Inform the parents of your
observations, ask for their ideas, assistance, and support in serving
the student. Keep a log of your calls.
3. If possible, talk privately to the student about your concerns.
4. Behavior concerns—look through students’ CUM file.
Any official suspensions will be in file, also look for teacher comments
on report cards. Look for patterns of behavior. We use In-House Suspension
whenever possible, as it is preferable to having students at home
unattended—and it saves the district money. Serious infractions
(fighting, threats, etc.) do result in official suspension. Unresponsive
students can be moved to other schools or expelled.
5. Referrals—please remember if you write a student referral,
you are required to call the parents. You are writing the referral
and can answer the parents’ questions firsthand. Administrators
will also call parents, but we can only give secondhand information
on the incident.
6. Academic Concerns—Again, look through student CUM. This will
contain test scores, report cards, and a student history. You may
want to ask the grade level administrator to schedule a Student Study
Team (SST). This will involve a meeting with the student, parents,
administrators, students’ teachers, and perhaps the psychologist.
Our School Safety creates an environment that supports the academic
and social needs of the young adolescent. We accept the responsibility
to prepare students to be successful in a global society with healthy
curiosity and creativity. our school fosters a positive community that
is conducive to lifelong learning, provides a safe environment, and
encourages all members of this community to achieve their educational
THE Our School Safety
our school’s Program is founded on the premise that each and
every student is capable of being successful. We are committed to
setting high expectations and assuring the development of a strong
foundation in basic skills. EDMS’s program emphasizes communication
and problem solving skills and encourages students to think independently,
creatively, and critically in applying academics and social skills.
1. I will use my Life Skills every day. I will use common sense and
learn to problem solve in a positive, responsible, and productive
2. I will be polite and respectful of all students and
adults. This means I will not call names, use profanity, intimidate,
create a hostile environment, or hurt others.
3. I will come to school on time, with school supplies,
gym clothes, a positive attitude, ready to learn, cooperate, and make
every day a good day!
4. I will work hard to develop good work habits by using
my Binder Reminder every day, complete my homework every day, and
ask for help from teachers.
5. I will follow the our school Dress Code because it
will keep me save and free of distractions, so I will learn and be
6. I will only bring items to school that are necessary.
This means I will not bring illegal items on campus (e.g. weapons,
explosive devices, controlled substances, tobacco, matches, lighters);
electronic items, laser pointers, or gum.
(Student Knowledge in Learning Life Skills)
To be honest, sincere and to conduct oneself according to a sense
of what’s right and wrong.
To do something because it needs to be done.
The ability to change plans or course of action when necessary.
To keep working until the job is done in spite of difficulties.
To plan, arrange and implement in an orderly way.
To laugh and be playful without hurting others.
To try your hardest.
To use good judgment.
To seek solutions everyday as well as in difficult situations.
To be accountable for your actions.
To wait calmly for someone or something.
To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.
To desire to learn or know about a full range of things.
To work together toward a common goal.
To feel concern for others.
To have consideration for others.
our school STAFF
Staff members will provide fair and reasonable treatment to students
using due process as specified in the Education Code and District
Board Policy.
“All pupils shall comply with the regulations (obey school and
classroom rules), pursue the required course of study (Do the assigned
schoolwork and homework) and submit to the authority of the teachers
of the school.” State of California Education Code Section 48908.
our school has a zero tolerance policy for weapons, drugs, and violence.
Possession of weapons or drugs, or use of violence will result in
arrest and expulsion proceedings. We have the right to search a student
and belongings if there is a reasonable suspicion of illegal items
on campus. If necessary, the police may be called to assist.
• Praise •Honor Roll
• Positive Phone Calls • Awards Night
• Good News Grams • Honor Assembly
• Gold Cards & Awards • Student of the Month
• Field Trips • Dances
• Straight A Awards • Pizza Parties
• Student Council Activities • 4.0 Club
Eighth graders can look forward to end of the year activities
• Swim & Picnic Day • Party & Dance
• Last Day Assembly • Awards Night
• Outstanding Student Awards
our school staff uses progressive discipline. In a referral, the student
case is reviewed in relation to its individual circumstances and the
student’s history. A yellow copy of the referral will be sent
home with the student for the parent’s signature. It is our
intent that disciplinary actions be appropriate and reasonable. Disciplinary
actions may include any of the following:
1. Counseling.
2. Contacting the parent by written note or telephone.
3. Assigning of a detention period. A work assignment may be offered
and chosen by the student as an alternative.
4. In-house suspension – to be served at school.
5. Referring a student to the Student Success Team.
6. Loss of privilege.
7. Conducting a Principal’s Conference.
8. Time out room.
9. Formal Suspension – to be served at home.
10. Developing a behavior contract with the student and parents.
11. Initiating a school transfer.
12. Contacting outside agencies (e.g. police, child protective services).
13. Referring the student to the District Administrative Hearing Panel
and/or School Attendance Review Board.
It is the policy of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District to provide
a safe and healthy environment for the entire school community and
promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. We will not tolerate
behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. A student shall
not intimidate or harass another student through words or actions.
Such behavior includes direct physical contact including hitting or
shoving, verbal assaults, teasing or name-calling and social isolation
or manipulation. This policy applies on school grounds, going to and
from school and at school-sponsored activities. It extends to all
members of the community, male, female, adults, and students.
1. It is best to tell someone. Tell a teacher or your parent or another
student. You don’t have to face this on your own.
2. It also helps to ignore a bully. Don’t give them any attention
and they may stop.
3. Remember, it is against the law to bully others.
You have a right NOT to be bullied. We will not tolerate
bullies at Our School Safety. Tell your parent or an administrator
if you are being bullied. You can complete a Bullying Report form
and it will be investigated.
It is the policy at Our School Safety that each person will
be regarded as having human dignity and worth. There is an appreciation
for the diversity of all people. Everyone is responsible to show respect
to adults, peers, and students at all times. We know that we succeed
best in an environment of mutual trust, caring, and cooperation and
will work toward creating that setting. We set high expectations for
ourselves and others, accept responsibility for ourselves and others,
accept responsibility for our actions and seek the best in everyone.
It is our goal that all students, staff, and parents participate in
school activities without experiencing prejudice, fear, harassment,
intimidation, or bigotry. Parents and members of the community are
welcomed at our school.
our school has a strong and effective “In-House”
suspension program. This program keeps the students in school and
learning rather than on the streets or at home watching T.V. or playing
Teachers volunteer to take students into their classes
for the length of their suspension. Students are provided with lots
of work from the office. Teachers are notified where the student is
working. They may send assignments to the student.
References: District Student Conduct and Discipline Handbook,
pages 101-4.
District Policy 4148, 4248, 4348.
Discipline at a Glance
The purpose of this guide is to help parents and students understand
the types of behavior which may result in disciplinary actions. Disciplinary
actions usually include one of the following actions depending on
the severity of the disciplinary problem and/or the number of times
the problem, or other problems, has occurred. A student might receive
a warning, counseling, lunch detention administrative detention, Saturday
School, suspension, or recommendation for expulsion.
(To be handled by classroom teacher and not normally subject to administrative
referral.) CATEGORY TWO
(May be referred after teacher interventions have been exhausted.
An attempt at teacher/parent phone contact is suggested.) CATEGORY
(Recommend immediate written referral on first offense. Suspension
may result. CATEGORY FOUR
(Requires immediate written referral and will result in recommendation
for expulsion. Starred items may take principal’s exception.)
1. Horseplay in class/not keeping hands and feet to
2. Excessive talking/talking without permission
3. Not doing class assignments.
4. Chewing gum
5. Wearing a hat
6. Not coming to class prepared
7. Tardy to class (3 tardies per quarter)
8. Out of seat without permission
9. Note passing
10. Failure to participate
11. Improper PE attire or failure to dress for PE
12. Littering
13. Put downs or disrespect for other students
14. Other
1. Use of profanity
2. Leaving class without permission
3. Throwing objects
4. Rude to adult on campus
5. Cheating
6. Generally disruptive conduct
7. Inappropriate dress
8. Lab safety violation
9. Attendance issues
10. Forgery
11. Possession of electronic devices
12. Riding bike, skateboards, or roller blades on school grounds
13. Public display of affection
14. Other
1. Profanity toward adult
2. Intimidation
3. Harassment
4. Stealing
5. Fighting
6. Open defiance/not following directions
7. Possession/use of fireworks/stink bombs
8. Gambling
9. Committing an obscene act
10. Racial/gender related incidents
11. Graffiti
12. Vandalism, attempted vandalism
13. Arson
14. Unacceptable use of electronic/Internet/on-line resource
15. Possession of lighter or matches
16. Damage to school property
17. Other
1. Sale of drugs or alcohol on campus
2. Possession/sale/furnishing a firearm
3. Brandishing a knife at a person
4. Committing or attempting sexual assault or battery
5. Possession/Use of tobacco/drug/alcohol
6. Robbery
7. Extortion
8. Possession of a weapon
9. Assault/battery upon a school employee
10. Caused serious injury
11. Other
PARENTS are expected to take an active role in supporting
the academic, attendance, and discipline policies of the school and
the individual teachers. Parents are encouraged to call the school
periodically to inquire about their child’s progress. Parents
are also asked to read the school newsletters and any other memos
or bulletins sent home from the school. Valuable information regarding
events, progress reports, and report cards are announced in these
Procedure for Responding to Student Tardies
A student is tardy if he/she is not inside the classroom
before the bell begins to ring.
• Primary responsibility for the enforcement of
punctuality of students rests with each teacher.
• Rules/procedures regarding tardies must be part of each teacher's
classroom management plan.
• These rules/procedures are based on the standard definition
of "tardiness" which is stated above.
• Teachers find greatest success with a clearly delineated progression
of consequences for dealing with tardies. Such a progression is as
Level 1 (1st tardy) Document tardy. Question student
and give warning.
Level 2 (2nd tardy) Document tardy. Assign 15 minute
detention and make parent contact.
Level 3 (3rd tardy) Document tardy. Write referral.
Office will assign one hour after school detention or a Saturday School.
(Note: The above progression refers to the number of
tardies within a quarter.)
Each teacher will be expected to have a system that
responds effectively to tardies and informs parents in a timely manner.
Teachers may use a more restrictive, alternative system, constrained
only by reasonableness and legality. For example, currently, 7th grade
teachers also assign Thursday School to tardy students. All alternative
systems shall provide for documentation and parent contacts at a level
no less frequent than described above. In all cases, the 3rd and all
subsequent tardies during a quarter must result in referral.
Teachers are not to send students to the office on referral
for tardiness.
The administrators will monitor punctuality and provide
support and assistance as needed. They may also assign habitually
tardy students to Saturday School.
Saturday School is held monthly from 8:00 a.m. until
12:20 p.m. It is assigned by an administrator to students who are
tardy too often or truant.
Hall Passes
Students are not allowed in the halls during regular class times without
permission. Students with permission to go from one location to another
use their Binder Reminder HALL PASS page. Students temporarily removed
from classrooms will be given "time out" passes from their
teacher. Students may only go to the destination identified on the
There is trust given to a student when a hall pass is
issued. Student safety and vandalism are two concerns that arise when
students misuse the privilege of getting a hall pass. When misuse
occurs, a student may be denied hall passes. The following guidelines
will be used in issuing and refusing hall passes to students.
1. Teachers are asked to review requests for passes
and give only those that are deemed to be necessary. Students may
need to be encouraged to make better use of their time between classes
to take care of personal needs and to plan more effectively.
2. The office will maintain a "no pass" list. Students on
this list will not be issued hall passes. Names will be listed in
the Staff Section of the Daily Bulletin.
Reasons for being placed on the "no pass"
list include:
1. Being out of class without permission from a staff
2. Being in a location on campus not reasonably in the path of travel
to the destination identified on the pass.
3. Being out of class too often for personal reasons.
4. Involvement in inappropriate behavior while out of class on a pass.
5. Excessive tardiness.
Any staff member may recommend a student for placement
on the list and shall discuss reasons with the vice principal. If
a decision to place a student on the list is made, an administrator
will meet with the student and discuss the reason(s) and identify
what the student needs to do to get of the list. A timeline will also
be identified with the student. Teachers of students placed on the
no pass list will be notified of names and duration of restriction.
Hall lockers are not available. Students should bring a sturdy bag
to carry books and other items. Physical education lockers are available
to students in the P. E. change rooms for storing personal items during
the class period. Valuables are not to be stored in the lockers. Personal
locks may be used on these lockers during a student’s P. E.
Parent Patrol
The Parent Patrol is our school’s very successful safety support
system. Parent Patrol volunteers work with administration to ensure
the campus is safe at all times. Parents patrol the halls, lunchroom,
playground, and in front and back of the school. Parent Patrol assists
in classrooms, the library, and the office. All parents are expected
to volunteer one day per year.
Students bringing bikes to our school are required to:
1. Wear a helmet while riding the bike to and from school.
2. Walk the bicycle while on the our school campus and in front of
Westwood Elementary. Bikes may not be ridden on the sidewalk surrounding
either school.
3. Register the bicycle at our school and label it with an our school
sticker and number.
4. Lock the bicycle in the bike rack.
5. Our School Safety is not responsible for any damage, theft,
or loss to private property brought on campus.
Roller blades, scooters, and skateboards are not allowed
at our school.
Dance Rules
The following rules are clearly communicated, frequently
reviewed and strictly enforced. Parents are encouraged to discuss
the rules with their youngsters.
1. Tickets must be pre-purchased according to the directions
in the daily bulletin and are signed on the back in ink at the time
of purchase. No tickets are sold at the door before or during the
2. Tickets may not be sold or given away.
3. Only our school students may attend the school dances.
4. Students must be present at school for the entire
day in order to be able to attend the dance that evening.
5. Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA to be eligible
to attend school dances.
6. The our school dress code and all school rules apply
at dances (including no gum).
7. Doors open at 3:00 p.m. Doors close at 4:00 p.m.
No one is admitted after that time unless accompanied by a parent.
8. Dances end at 5:00 p.m. Students should leave promptly.
9. The Valentine and 8th grade party dances tend to
be somewhat dressy. Strapless dresses and tuxedos never are allowed.
Neither is transportation by limousine.
10. No "freaking"/mosh pits or other inappropriate
dancing is allowed.
11. Refreshments are sold by the Parent Faculty Club.
No bills larger that $10.00 will be accepted. Liquid refreshment may
not be brought to dances by students.
12. Parent volunteers and staff members serve as chaperons
at all school dances.
13. Violation of these rules may be cause for parent
contact, immediate removal from the dance, loss of the privilege of
attending future dances and/or other consequences deemed appropriate
by the administration of the school.
The following forms of absences are classified as truancies:
1. Absences from school without the knowledge and consent of the parent
or guardian.
2. Leaving the building during the school day without permission.
3. Staying out of class without permission.
4. Excessive tardiness will count as truancy.
Truancy results in an assignment to Saturday School.
Students may be required to make up, in detention, each hour truant.
Excessive truancy can result in placement in the Learning Opportunity
Program and referral to the School Attendance Review Board.
Closed Campus
Once on campus, students are required to stay at school until dismissal
time. Students may leave early only with a written request from a
parent. Otherwise no one is permitted to leave campus. Each student
must get an office permit to leave campus prior to the end of the
school day.
Visitors on Campus
Parents are always welcome on campus as visitors and must check in
at the office when coming to school. School-age visitors are generally
refused permission to visit. All visitors are required to obtain a
Visitor's Pass in the office.
Telephone Use
A public telephone is located near the office and may be used by students
after school. Misuse of the public telephone can result in closure
of the telephone to student use. All office phones are for school
business and are not available for student use except in school related
business or emergencies. Parents and guardians may leave messages
for students by way of our student message boards. Students are reminded
to check the message boards daily.
Textbook use by Students
Students are provided with textbooks needed for their work in school.
At an average cost of $56 per textbook, it is very important that
students take good care of them. We would like to urge students and
parents to consider not only the cost to the family for lost books,
but the inconvenience and lost time to students who have to wait to
get replacements.
Books must be covered immediately and cared for during
the year. Students/parents will be billed for lost and/or damaged
books as needed during the school year or at the end of the year.
With good planning, however, loss or damage can be avoided. Students
are directed to neither lend nor borrow books.
Campus Maintenance and Supervision
our school is cleaned by the custodial staff on a scheduled basis.
Because of the outstanding work done by the custodians and students,
EDMS has consistently been rated as one of the cleanest district campuses.
Regular safety inspections of facilities and grounds are conducted
by school staff members.
As a matter of security, our school requires all visitors
to check in at the school office. School staff are directed to question
any visitor they don't recognize. Campus supervision is provided through
staff assignments, employment of campus supervisors, and parent volunteers
of the School Safety Committee. Supervision is regularly scheduled
before and after school hours and during breaks and lunch periods.
I. Other strategies and program related to maintaining a safe and
orderly environment conducive to learning at the school.
Instructional Leadership and Student Support Services
EDMS' staff has been recognized for its success in providing
a caring and supportive environment for students. Overall staff competency
and commitment are high. Members of our staff are actively involved
in curriculum and program improvement at district and school site
levels. our school has organized interdisciplinary teams of teachers
and has an administrative team that provides a coordinated and comprehensive
instructional program. Staff members also respond to non-academic
needs of students. Several of EDMS' programs have been recognized
as "Programs of Excellence." our school was recently awarded
Distinguished School Status.
Our School Site Council works closely with school staff
in coordinating the School improvement Program. There is also an ongoing
effort to involve parents and students in school evaluation.
Students are successful at our school. Test scores place
EDMS' program in the top 25% of California schools. Academic teams
that compete with other schools do very well. Our staff provides students
with a variety of opportunities to develop skills and special interests.
The following special programs and support services
are offered to students:
• Academic Supplements in math and reading.
• Accelerated Math
• After-school recreational and other activities (RAP)
• After-school dances
• AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
• California Junior Scholastic Federation
• Cafeteria Assistants
• Career Day
• Chorus and Instrumental Music
• 4.0 Club
• Community partnerships - Concord Alliance
• Computer Education
• Conflict Resolution
• DHP (Discipline Hearing Panel) monthly meetings.
• Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention through Your Educators and
New Connections
• Drug & Alcohol Prevention Education
• Effective graffiti abatement
• Elective class opportunities
• Emphasis on community service
• English Language Learners classes
• Fair, firm, and consistent enforcement of school standards
• Saturday School and Detention after school and at lunchtime
• GIN (Gang Intervention Network)
• Gang Prevention Education
• Gifted and Talented Education
• High expectations for student behavior and achievement - see
Discipline Procedures
• Homework Help in Student Center
• Individual help from school staff members
• Interdisciplinary Instructional Teams
• Interns from Chapman College
• Life Skills Instruction
• Math Lab
• Mentor Programs and other access to positive adult role models
• New Teacher's Support Group
• Ongoing assessment of school safety issues - Discipline and
Safety Committee
• Parent Education/Parent Support Program
• Parent Patrol to assist campus supervision
• Probation Officer Program
• Promotion of Campus Safety Hot Line
• Psychological Assessment Services
• SART (School Attendance Review Team) monthly meetings
• School Newspaper, Literary Magazine, and Yearbook
• School Resource Officer Program
• Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade core classes
• Smoking Cessation Classes
• Social Skills Grant
• Special Educational Resource Specialists
• Special Educational Special Day Classes for Learning, Hearing,
and Orthopedically Handicapped students
• Staff development in violence reduction/prevention - BWA Training
• Staff, student, and parent involvement in school decision-making
- Monthly Leadership Forum, Weekly Administrative Council
• Student Center
• Student Recognition Program(s)
• Study Skills and use of Binder Reminder Agenda for all students
• Student Study Teams
• Student Support Program(s)
• Support forum on-site Mentor teachers
• Sustained Silent Reading in core classes
• Teaching Assistants
• Truancy Prevention Program
• Varied field trip experiences
• Violence Prevention Education - Anger Management Classes
Youth Educators
• Zero Tolerance for Weapons and Drugs Program
Backpack Policy
Medical experts agree that a backpack should ideally weigh no more
than 10% of the students’ body weight. Staff at our school are
cognizant of this and encourage students to carry only what is necessary.
• Gym shirt and pants or shorts
• A lightweight binder, with paper, pens, pencils
• Calculator
• Recreational reading book
• Binder Reminder and additional notebooks, as required
• Lunch and/or snack
our school students do not need to carry textbooks. We
have classroom sets. Students are issued a copy to take home. The
books stay at home all year and do not need to be brought back and
forth to school. Teachers are asked to be aware of the weight issue
when they require students to bring class binders and notebooks.
We ask parents to consider the weight of any backpack
and binder they purchase. Sturdy, lightweight ones are best. To further
cut down on weight, parents may consider having their student buy
drinks and/or lunch and snacks from our Cafeteria. Families may set
up an account with the Cafeteria manager.
Students need to be reminded to wear their backpacks
high on the back and on both shoulders. They may also be worn in the
front. Many students are also using rolling backpacks. Students who
are still having problems with the weight of their packs are asked
to seek help from an administrator.
III. Action plan
1. Yearly ongoing review of safety plan.
2. Ongoing Discipline and Safety Committee meetings.
3. Community Articulation meetings with civic leaders and commercial
businesses near school.
4. Crisis Response Team
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