Student will manuever through the school hallways avoiding
physical contact with others.
The Prop Box with costumes
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete
during each role play. To download the student rubric,
click here
The Lesson:
Introduction: Walking in a crowded hallway is much
like driving a car in traffic
Rules for Passing in Hallways.
Brainstorm: Students fill out "Brainstorm"
Handout with their ideas about when and where people have
to pass each other in confined spaces.
Solicit: Gather the students' ideas about possible
Model the Behavior using the rules you've agreed upon.
Think of yourself as driving a car. Pass to the person’s
2. Leave room between you so you don’t make physical
3. If someone is in your way, say, “excuse me”
and ask, “May I get by?”
4. If you accidentally make contact, say, “Excuse
5. If the person is familiar, make eye contact and greet
Role Play: Have two or three students
role play passing in the hall. You may want to have a cooky
character as part of your cast. Students complete rubrics.
Extension activities: Supervise the students walking
the ahlls on their way to lunch.