The Middle School Library

The library staff have a key role in supporting the teaching of social skills in the middle school as being both a student and teacher resource. The librarian insures that the shelves are stocked with the CORE literature books as well as an array of high interest level materials. Books regarding social skills are predominately found in the 300 and 600 sections.

  The shelves are organized using the Dewy Decimal system. The card catalog is electronic and can be accessed by computers located in the library. The catalog may also be reached by the Internet. Students can complete searches for books and see if they are available from the convenience of their classroom or home.

The computers are also connected to the Internet. At the beginning of each academic year students are qualified to use them by passing an "Acceptable Internet Usage Test and Agreement." Their Student Body I.D. card then is given a special mark.

Librarians have a special ear to the interests of the young readers. They make keen observations of the students and their reading preferences, including information about many contemporary social issues that confront today's teens.


See list of CORE Literature housed in our middle school library