5. Model the skill.

  • Use teachers, instructional assistants and competent students to role play.
  • Use student models that are perceived as important and successful.
  • Negative examples can help students see avoidable consequences.
  • Model use of the "think aloud" process to demonstrate cognitive steps.

6. Students role play the skill and engage students with real life situations using technology.

  • Use role play examples from students' own experiences: phone calls, emails, etc.
  • Carefully consider whether the students need to role play negative examples-unlikely.
  • Assign observers to watch for specific behaviors and evaluate performances on videotape?
  • Provide coaching to prompt appropriate responses (written on overhead projector).
  • Students can play reversed roles in role play and take digital photographs of the activity.
  • Have a selected student make response shown via TVator using computer/TV, i.e. completing appointment forms, sending email, writing a letter, etc.
  • Use puppets or "phones" at desks if out-of-seat participation should be minimalized.
  • Use digital pictures in extension activities, such as HyperStudio stacks and other computerized worksheets.