The Handshake

Objective: Students will appropriate use this form of Western expression of connection between to people.
Standards: Listening and Speaking

Introduction of the Handshake:
A. Historical gesture of surrendering your dominant hand

Model the Skill:
A. Definition: two or three shakes of the right hand with appropriate pressure.
B. Direct Eye contact, correct pressure
C. Verbal accompaniment, “How do you do?”
D. Verbal response, “how nice to meet you.”
E. Communication through pressure

A. Introductions
B. Congratulations (graduations, etc.)
C. Business Agreements

These instructors have walked around the classroom and shaken the hands of every student to measure pressure.

Role Play: Students describe the situation of the greeting. (This instructor recommends a role play of graduation from middle school. The student pretends to accept a diploma from the principal, then shake hands with staff in a reception line.) Click here for Rubric

III. Review
A. Students can draw examples of uses
B. Students can present their drawings to the class

Rubric for the Role Plays

Student (Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________

Date: _____________________
Observer's Name:___________________________________________

Observations: No Yes
Did the student make eye contact with the person?    
Did the student use his right hand to shake?    
Did the student shake three times?    
Did the student use appropriate pressure?    
Did the student ask "how do you do" or other expression?    
Did the student remain an appropriate distance away from the person?    

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________________________
