Greeting a Dog & Its Owner

Educational Objective: The student will appropriately greet a stranger who is walking a dog.
Language Arts Standard: Listening and Speaking

• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity
1. Brainstorm When and Where students might meet someone walking their dog.

• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
1. Look at the person. Is the person friendly? Is the dog friendly?
Use your knowledge of body language.
. Complement the person about their dog
"What a beautiful dog you have."
3. Ask about the dog, breed, type age.
4. Introduce yourself.
5. Ask if the dog likes to meet new people.
6. Ask permission to pet the dog.
7 . Let the dog smell your hand.
8. Kneel to the dog's eye level.
9. Stroke the dog front to back slowly.
10. Compliment the dog. "good boy"
11. Talk as you stroke.
12. Say good-bye to the dog.
13. Stand up slowly.
14. Compliment the dog owner again.
15. Thank them for letting you pet their go.
16. Close conversation by saying "Nice to meet you."

• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion---Click here to download rubric
• Applications
• Independent Uses: You may wish to have the students draw images of people who are approachable. See models.

You may wish to talk about safety, because some abductors use the gimmick of finding their "lost dog" to lure children into unsafe places.

Idioms: "Rub someone the wrong way."
"It made the hair on the back on my neck stand up!"

Extensions: Talk about "Special Dogs" like K-9, Seeing Eye Dogs, Hearing Dogs, Search & Rescue, Sheep Dogs.
Students can draw pictures of the dogs at work and present them to the class.

Students may also list their behaviors around working dogs.

Baxter, seen above, is a registered "Therapy Pet." He joins the group of other certified and licensed dogs who have been extensively trained. Most students do not appreciate the investment that is made in working dogs. Instruction about the preparation involved in these canine heroes can be eye opening.

Rubric for the Role Plays

Student (Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________

Date: _____________________
Observer's Name:___________________________________________

Social Skill: ___________________________________

Observations: No Yes
Did the student look at the person. Did he decide that the person was friendly? Did he decide that the dog was friendly?    
Did he complement the person about their dog
"What a beautiful dog you have!"
Did he introduce himself?    
Did he ask permission to pet the dog?    
Did he let the dog smell his hand?    
Were his movements slow and non-threatening?    
Did he pet the dog rubbing front to back?
Did he stand and compliment the owner?    
Did he thank the owner for letting him pet the dog?    
Did he use an appropriate greeting to say good bye?    
Score or Points

Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________


See left: Special "working dogs" are treated differently than common pets. Students are usually amazed at the amount of preparation that these specially trained animals have received.

Students may visit web sites about

* seeing eye dogs
* hearing dogs
* police dogs
* security dogs
* search and rescue dogs

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