Discipline |
The purpose of this guide
is to help parents and students understand the types of behavior which
may result in disciplinary actions. Disciplinary actions usually include
one of the following actions depending on the severity of the disciplinary
problem and/or the number of times the problem, or other problems,
has occurred. A student might receive a warning, counseling, lunch
detention administrative detention, Saturday School, suspension, or
recommendation for expulsion.
(To be handled by classroom teacher and not normally subject to administrative
referral.) CATEGORY TWO
(May be referred after teacher interventions have been exhausted.
An attempt at teacher/parent phone contact is suggested.) CATEGORY
(Recommend immediate written referral on first offense. Suspension
may result. CATEGORY FOUR
(Requires immediate written referral and will result in recommendation
for expulsion. Starred items may take principal’s exception.)
1. Horseplay in class/not
keeping hands and feet to self
2. Excessive talking/talking without permission
3. Not doing class assignments.
4. Chewing gum
5. Wearing a hat
6. Not coming to class prepared
7. Tardy to class (3 tardies per quarter)
8. Out of seat without permission
9. Note passing
10. Failure to participate
11. Improper PE attire or failure to dress for PE
12. Littering
13. Put downs or disrespect for other students
14. Other
1. Use of profanity
2. Leaving class without permission
3. Throwing objects
4. Rude to adult on campus
5. Cheating
6. Generally disruptive conduct
7. Inappropriate dress
8. Lab safety violation
9. Attendance issues
10. Forgery
11. Possession of electronic devices
12. Riding bike, skateboards, or rollerblades on school grounds
13. Public display of affection
14. Other
1. Profanity toward adult
2. Intimidation
3. Harassment
4. Stealing
5. Fighting
6. Open defiance/not following directions
7. Possession/use of fireworks/stink boms
8. Gambling
9. Committing an obscene act
10. Racial/gender related incidents
11. Graffiti
12. Vandalism, attempted vandalism
13. Arson
14. Unacceptable use of electronic/Internet/on-line resource
15. Possession of lighter or matches
16. Damage to school property
17. Other
1. Sale of drugs or alcohol on campus
2. Possession/sale/furnishing a firearm
3. Brandishing a knife at a person
4. Committing or attempting sexual assault or battery
5. Possession/Use of tobacco/drug/alcohol
6. Robbery
7. Extortion
8. Possession of a weapon
9. Assault/battery upon a school employee
10. Caused serious injury
11. Other
PARENTS are expected to
take an active role in supporting the academic, attendance, and discipline
policies of the school and the individual teachers. Parents are encouraged
to call the school periodically to inquire about their child’s
progress. Parents are also asked to read the school newsletters and
any other memos or bulletins sent home from the school. Valuable information
regarding events, progress reports, and report cards are announced
in these communications.
to School Environment