Declining An Invitation

Educational Objective: The student will graciously decline an invitation.
Language Arts Standard: Listening & Speaking Extensions of Reading & Writing

Materials Needed:
The Prop Box with Costumes
Colored Pencils and 8" x 11" sheets of paper (for making a get well card)
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete during each role play

The Lesson:

• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Brainstorm. When have you needed to decline an invitation.
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
1. Look at the person and use their name.
2. Listen to the invitation before you respond.
3. Say, "I am very sorry."

4. Provide at least one good reason why you can't attend the event.
5. Thank the person for thinking of you.
6. Share that you would appreciate a similar invitation in the future.
"I'm sorry that I can't attend this Saturday because I have dance practice. Please think of me the next time you're planning a party. I'd love to come.
7. Thank the person again.
8. Ask a grown up person for clarity if you're not certain about the wording.

Note: If you don't want to be invited to such an event, skip parts 6 & 7. It's a subtle way to let the person know you're not interested.

Also note: If you're invited to something illegal or against your value system, state honestly that that's "not your scene."

• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion
• Applications- Write a response to attend a birthday party.
• Independent Uses

Rubric for the Role Plays

Student (Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________

Date: _____________________
Observer's Name:___________________________________________

Social Skill: ___________________________________

Observations: (Use dramatic asides when necessary) No Yes
Dis the student look at the person and use their name?
Did the student listen to the invitation before you respond?    
Did the student say, "I am very sorry."    
Did he provide at least one good reason why he couldn't attend?    
Did he thank the person for thinking of him?    
Did he say he wanted a similar invitation in the future?    
Did he thank the person again?
Did he ask a grown up person for clarity if you're not certain about the wording?    

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________________________



Reading Standards
1.2 Identify and interpret figurative language and words with multiple meanings.
1.5 Understand shades of meanings in related words.
2.7 Make reasonable assertions about a text through accurate, supporting citations

Writing Strategies
1.1 Choose the form of writing (e.g. personal letter, poem or narrative) that best suits the intended purpose.
1.6 Revise writing to improve the organization and consistency of ideas.

Speaking Applications:
2.4 Offer a logical sequence of information and engage the listener, foster an acceptance of an idea.