School Code of Conduct

School’s Program is founded on the premise that each and every student is capable of being successful. We are committed to setting high expectations and assuring the development of a strong foundation in basic skills. The school’s program emphasizes communication and problem solving skills and encourages students to think independently, creatively, and critically in applying academics and social skills.


1. I will use my Life Skills every day. I will use common sense and learn to problem solve in a positive, responsible, and productive manner.

2. I will be polite and respectful of all students and adults. This means I will not call names, use profanity, intimidate, create a hostile environment, or hurt others.

3. I will come to school on time, with school supplies, gym clothes, a positive attitude, ready to learn, cooperate, and make every day a good day!

4. I will work hard to develop good work habits by using my Binder Reminder every day, complete my homework every day, and ask for help from teachers.

5. I will follow the School’s Dress Code because it will keep me save and free of distractions, so I will learn and be successful.

6. I will only bring items to school that are necessary. This means I will not bring illegal items on campus (e.g. weapons, explosive devices, controlled substances, tobacco, matches, lighters); electronic items, laser pointers, or gum.

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