Brainstorming can be a
group or individual activity. It's purpose is to identify
thoughts related to a topic in a non-judgmental way. Participating
in a group brainstorming activity requires a consensus among
the students that there can not be any wrong idea. There
should be an atmosphere in the class that any suggestion
is acceptable.
At El Dorado the teaching staff provides each student with
a drawing of a "brain," filling the entirety of
an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. The teacher has the same drawing
on an overhead. The teacher writes the topic for brainstorming
at the top of the page, then solicits the students to provide
responses. The responses are written on the overhead and
the students copy them onto their papers.
It is after this brainstorming period that the ideas are
evaluated one by one and prioritized. This activity gives
students experiences in being non-judgmental.
Click here to see form used in classroom
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