Accommodations for Students

Physical Setting of the Room
__ Reduced stimuli area for quiet work time, perhaps a study boot
__ Rows in lines are less conducive to students interacting, distracting
__ Seat student to maximize attention, such as near window wall or up front
__ Stand near student when giving directions
__ Seat near positive role model
__ Reduce distracting stimuli in classroom, i.e. busy posters, mobiles, etc.
__ Increate distance between desks

__ Use headphones to block auditory distractions
__ Special needs students may have F. M. units


Lesson Presentation

__ Pair students to check work
__ Write key points on the board
__ Use colored markers for writing day's agenda on easels
__ Provide visual aids
__ Check for understanding after you give directions (special signal)
__ Provide a peer note taker
__ Include a variety of activities during each lesson
__ Break long presentations into short segments
__ Provide due dates for parts of a large assignment
__ Provide manipulative objects
__ Avoid multiple commands
__ Repeat directions in a calm manner or restate them another way
__ Have child review points orally
__ Allow student to take lessons or instructions
__ Teach through multi-sensory modes
__ Keep directions simple and brief
__ Use computer assisted instruction
__ Allow student to use calculator during story problems
__ Provide access to books on tape (Students with almost any IEP can secure materials without cost through the Books for the Blind Program.)
__ Give extra time to complete assignments
__ Hand worksheets out one at of a time instead of in packets
__ Reduce the reading level of required assignments
__ Require fewer correct responses to achieve grade
__ Provide a structured routine and post it in the class
__ Give frequent, short quizzes to measure achievement
__ Underline key words in your presentation
__ Allow computer typed written assignments
__ Reduce homework assignments
__ Disregard handwriting (penmanship)
__ Allow use of spell checker
__ Check daily with student for completion of assignment (Binder Reminder)
__ Determine realistic assignments for students
__ Provide frequent rewards
__ Don't Expect perfection
__ Provide time in class to complete assignments with supervision

Test Taking

__ Allow open book exams
__ Give exam orally
__ Give take home tests
__ Use more objective items than essay
__ Give frequent short quizzes
__ Test in a quiet environment
Read questions to student
__ Provide practice tests
__ Allow use of calculator or dictionary
__ Permit alternative demonstration of mastery


__ Provide peer assistance
__ Assign volunteer study buddy
__ Allow student to have an extra set of textbooks at home
__ Sent daily or weekly progress reports home for parent signature
__ Develop a reward system at school
__ Develop a reward system at home related to school work
__ Provide a daily homework assignment book
__ Provide an outline of key topics
__ Allow time during class for organization
__ Color code subject workbooks and papers
__ Check Binder Reminders frequently


__ Be specific when praising behavior
__ Give extra privileges and rewards
__ Keep classroom rules simple and positive
__ Make prudent use of negative consequences
__ Allow for short breaks between assignments
__ Cue to stay on task by nonverbal signals
__ Mark student's correct answers rather than marking wrong responses
__ Use a positive behavior management system in class
__ Allow student time out of seat to run errands
__ Ignore inappropriate behaviors if they're not drastic
__ Use a student composure pass
__ Allow legitimate movement
__ Make a behavior contract
__ Increase immediacy of rewards
__ Change incentives often
__ Model how to ask for help

Special Considerations
__ Suggest parenting classes
__ Inservice teachers about the student's special needs
__ Develop intervention strategies for transitions
__ Balance reporting the good with the other
__ Develop positive relations with parents

See Recommendations of Thomas Petersen for classroom management
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