Objective: The student will make a decision about the right time
to approach someone for a favor.
Language Arts Standard: Listening and Speaking
The Prop Box with costumes
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete during
each role play. To download the student rubric, click here
The Lesson:
• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Brainstorm
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
Look at the situation. Is the person busy? Preoccupied? Talking
with someone else?
2. Look at the person's body language, i.e. facial expression, gaze
and posture.
3. Assess the person's mood.
4. Think of something you might offer to do in return.
5. Be sure the favor is something that the person is able
to do for you.
• Practice assessing skill with videos, or skits in which
students pretend to be in different situations.
• Classroom Discussion
• Applications
• Independent Uses
for the Role Plays
(Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________
Date: _____________________ Observer's Name:___________________________________________
Skill: ___________________________________
Observations: Did the student... (Students use
verbal asides, i.e. talk outloud) |
No |
Yes |
Look to see if the person was busy or was approachable |
Evaluate the person's body language |
Look at the person's facial expression to assess mood |
Ask politely using "may" |
Ask the person for something that the person was able to do |
Offer something in exchange for the favor |
Score/Points |
Comments: __________________________________________________________________
Speaking Applications:
2.4 Offer a logical sequence of information and engage the listener,
foster an acceptance of an idea.
Speaking Applications:
1.2 Determine a speaker’s attitude toward a subject.
1.6 Use speaking techniques, including voice modulation , inflection,
tempo, enunciation and eye contact for effective communication.
Speaking Applications:
1.2 Paraphrase a speaker’s purpose and point of view and ask relevant
questions concerning the speaker’s content, delivery and purpose.
1.3 Organize information to achieve particular purposes by matching
the message, vocabulary, voice modulation, expression and tone to
the audience and purpose.