Getting the Teacher's Attention

Educational Objective: The student will use appropriate behaviors to gain the teacher's attention during a classroom activity.
Language Arts Standard: Listening and Speaking Benchmarks

Materials Needed:
The Prop Box
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete during each role play. To download the student rubric, click here

The Lesson:

• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Brainstorm discussion about when you might want to get the teacher's attention.
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
1. Wait for the teacher to finish speaking or is otherwise available.
2. Raise your hand without waving.
3. Get attention by using the expression, "Excuse me."
4. Wait for the teacher to acknowledge you.

• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion
• Applications
• Independent Uses: Discuss times when it is appropriate to interrupt.

Rubric for the Role Plays

Student (Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________

Date: _____________________
Observer's Name:___________________________________________

Social Skill: ___________________________________

Observations: No Yes
Did the student wait for the teacher to finish speaking?
Did the student raise his hand without waving?    
Did the student get attention by using the expression, "Excuse me"?    
Did the student wait for the teacher to acknowledge him?    

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________________________


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