Asking Questions

Educational Objective: The student will appropriately pose a question to the teacher during classroom instruction.
Language Arts Standard: Listening and Speaking, all middle school grades.

Materials Needed:
The Prop Box with 2 telephones
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete during each role play. To download the student rubric, click here

The Lesson:

• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Authors would not recommend a Brainstorm actively, but just have the teacher mention times when people do have questions and that legitimate questions are always welcomed.
(Sometimes students pose questions to cause uproar in the classroom or to gain attention to themselves.)
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
1. Get the person's attention appropriately for the situation.
2. Look at the person and address him by his name.

3. Use polite language in posing the question. "May I ask you to explain?" "Would you mind.."
4. Listen actively to the person's answer. Perhaps you should write down notes.
5. If needed, ask the person to make the answer in shorter sentences or to speak more slowly.
6. Thank the person for his response.

• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion
• Applications
• Independent Uses

Rubric for the Role Plays

Student (Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________

Date: _____________________
Observer's Name:___________________________________________

Social Skill: ___________________________________

Observations: No Yes

Did the student get the person's attention appropriately for the situation?
Did the student look at the person and address him by his name?    
Did the student use polite language in posing the question. "May I ask you to explain?" "Would you mind.."    
Did the student listen actively to the person's answer? Perhaps he wrote down notes?    
If needed, did the student ask the person to make the answer in shorter sentences or to speak more slowly?    
Did the student thank the person for his response?
Score or Points

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________________________
