Objective: The student will appropriately express pride in his accomplishments.
Language Arts Standard: Listening and Speaking
Literary Platform: Prentice Hall "The King of Mazy May"
The Prop Box with costumes
Brainstorm Form
Appropriate Rubric: One for each student to complete during
each role play.
The Lesson:
• Identify Need
• Introductory Activity: Brainstorm times that students have
been successful.
• Define Steps and Sequences of Skill
Make eye contact with the person to whom you're talking.
2. Use
an enthusiastic tone of voice.
3. Descibe the activity in which you experienced success.
4. Be modest by being appreciative. "I was happy that I was
able to do it. MY coach really helped me have a winning strategy."
• Model the Skill
• Role Plays/Classroom Discussion
• Applications
• Independent Uses
for Role Play
(Speaker)____________________________ Student (Subject)____________________________
Date: _____________________ Observer's Name:___________________________________________
Skill Being Practiced: _____________________________
of Speaker: (Use asides) |
No |
Yes |
Did the speaker look at the listener and make eye contact? |
Did the speaker evaluate the listener's mood to determine
the right time? |
Did the speaker use an entusiastic tone of voice? |
Did the speaker give details about his /her success? |
Was the speaker modest by crediting his success to someone
else? |
Score |
Other Comments: ___________________________________________________________