Teacher Page


What is the purpose of this unit?

The purpose of this project is to provide 3rd grade teachers in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District with solid information to instruct students in Contra Costa County about the native peoples of their land. This project has been designed to fulfill the California State History-Social Science Third Grade Standard 3.2.

How can I use this unit in my classroom?

This project is designed to allow students to work independently to gain knowledge about the Bay Miwok tribe of Contra Costa County. It is suggested that before students begin using this website, they should be guided step by step through Lesson 1 and then be allowed to work independently. Students should work in pairs at a computer to assist one another. If an adequate number of computers are not available, the information contained in this unit and the Student Worksheets can be used as a teacher resource, or displayed on a t.v. monitor for all students to view at the same time.

What are the components of the unit?

You will find that each page of the project is organized similarly for ease of nativation. The project consists of eight lessons based on different aspects of Bay Miwok life. Each lesson requires students to read information, answer research questions and record their information on a Student Worksheet. Each lesson has one activity to extend student thinking and an Activity Worksheet to complete the assignment on. You wil need Adobe Acrobat to download the worksheets.

What is the Student Guide?

The Student Guide is located on the right side of each Lesson. This guide will direct students step by step through each lesson.

The Student Guide looks like this---->:

READ: Students first read the information for each lesson located on the right side of the page.

VIEW: Students Look at all the pictures and view any links.

COLLECT INFORMATION : These are the research questions that students need to answer. There are Student Worksheets for each lesson. You will need Acrobat Reader to print the pages.

ACTIVITIES: Each lesson has an activity that extends student thinking. These assignments are completed on an Activity Worksheet. Each activity page begins with a list of materials, then guides students step by step through the activity.

The pages for the Student Worksheets and the Activity Worksheets can be used in two ways. First, you may print all the pages using the "Student Worksheets" link. Then, make class sets and provide each student with a Student booklet. In this way, students are prepared and ready when they sit at the computer to complete their lessons. Or, secondly, students have the option to print out the corresponding Student Worksheet and Activity Worksheet as they begin each lesson.

You may also wish to have students just use a notebook to answer the questions.

How will students demonstrate their knowledge?

Upon completion of the unit, students will demonstrate their knowledge by writing a report or publishing a newspaper on the Bay Miwok Tribe. They will use the information recorded on their Student Worksheets and follow the outline that is provided under Lesson 8: Final Project link.