Types of Sea Chanteys

There are basically two kinds of chanteys.  Work chanteys which include short drag, short haul, halyard, windlass, or capstan.  Forecastle chanteys which tell of some historical event are usually sung in the forecastle, or crew's quarters.

Windlass/Pump Chantey                      

A windlass (like a capstan) is a machine used to raise the anchor. It is worked by pumping handles up and down. Capstan or windlass chanteys were used for long repetitive tasks. Raising or lowering the anchor while winding up the heavy anchor chain was their prime use. This winding was done by pushing round and round at the capstan bars, which required a long and continuous effort.

Walk Away Halyard Chantey         

Halyard chanteys were for heavier work requiring more setup time between pulls. For example, to get a heavy sail up to the mast, a chantey that gave the men a rest in between the hauls was what was required. The same chantey could also be used to lower the sails. These songs were used for long, heavy periods of labor.

Short Drag Chantey                                 

Sometimes a job was so difficult that the crew could only pull one time during each chorus. Short drag or short haul chanteys were for tasks requiring quick pulls over a relatively short time, such as shortening or unfurling sails

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