Nobel Peace Prize Press Conference
Time Required: 3-4 Class Periods
and Purpose: Open class with a discussion and information
on the history of the Nobel Prize. Each student should
state what he or she thinks the Nobel Prize is, or what
it means. Responses should be limited to one or two
words or a short phrase, so they can be written on the
board. Like: honor, peace, science,
invention, achievement.
Next the class will use the World Wide Web to research
information about the 1995 winner of the Nobel Peace
Prize, Joseph Rotblat. The students will be given a
handout with questions and website addresses to work
from. After the completion of the handout, the students
will be divide into two groups: The Nobel Prize Committee,
and The Press. Then there will be a Press Conference
on the Nobel Prize Award. This Press Conference will
be video taped. The class will create their script for
the press conference. Each group will prepare one or
two questions to answer. Then the class will work on
a script and rehearse it. Finally comes the video taping
of the Press Conference, followed by viewing it and
critiquing it.
General Goals:
1. To increase reading comprehension through students
analyzing appropriate reading strategies such as summarizing
and note taking.
2. To increase students understanding of the effect
of human decisions and actions on our environment.
Specific Objectives:
1. Students will examine the relationships between science,
personal responsibility, world peace and politics.
2. Students will assess the contributions of Nobel laureates.
3. Students will analyze data using the Web for information
4. Students will work collectively to find conclusions
of posed questions.
Materials Needed:
Video camera and computers to do the web research.
Activities (step by step procedure):
1. Introduce topic: What is the Nobel Prize?
2. Researching the 1995 Nobel Prize Winner, Joseph Rotblat.
3. Evaluating the research.
4. Criteria for selecting Joseph Rotblat (most interesting
because of inherent contradictions)
5. Developing list of questions (each question must
relate to world peace, the Nobel prize, the bomb, the
Pugwash Conference, Joseph Rotblat)
6. Putting it all together The planning and rehearsing
the Press Conference.
7. Evaluation- students response
Teaching Strategies
1. Open class discussions.
2. Internet research
3. Formation of teams for investigation and discovery
4. Student presentation
5. Students critique
Thought provoking questions
Can we relate to things weve done by just not
thinking of consequences?
What do you think are the characteristics of a successful
What is the ethical dilemma Joseph Rotbtat faced?
Notes to self
Choose camera person wisely
instruct student not
to zoom in and out while taping or talking near mike
on camera