Classroom Management Techniques
Thomas I. Petersen, Ph.D.
following ideas for classroom management may be of assistance for
students needing extra structure in their learning environment.
Use large tag board and make one with a green circle, one with a
red circle and one with a yellow circle. Red meaning a time with
"absolutely no talking." Yellow means that some talking
and/or movement is allowed. Green means "free time" when
more interaction with peers is allowed. "Post" the cards
at the beginning of each session or activity.
Schedule Preparation:
Use the white board to post your daily schedule. Print big.
Alternate colors for interest and maximum visual attention. Review
the schedule each morning.
Me Five:
Use a variety of ways to get the students' attention. One way is
"Give Me Five." Extend five fingers out on your outstretched
arm. This mean "two eyes watching, two ears listening and one
mouth closed." The students will usually give the "high
five" gesture back and begin paying attention.
Have the students make up the rules for their classroom. On a white
board, write down all their ideas. Then have the students vote on
the top five or six. Empowering the students makes them more likely
to comply.
This seems optimal for best student to student and student to teacher
On the first day of each month, have the students draw names to
determine the seating arrangement for that month. This gives the
students the opportunity to learn to live with two new "neighbors"
every month.
Students should be allowed to ask for a "Walk Pass" when
they feel they are becoming increasingly agitated.
Every classroom should have at least one study carrel in which a
student could work when they feel they need that personal "space."
Each classroom should have a small partition that is large enough
to be placed between two students' desks. This is especially helpful
for minor "flare-ups" between students that don't seem
to be diminishing without constant teacher intervention.
Charts on Desks:
When a pint system is being used for on-task behavior, this is a
good visual reminder of their personal success throughout the day.
Give each student a squish ball to use to help keep their hands
Play calming music throughout the day in the classroom. Studies
have suggested that calming music without vocals helps relieve stress.
Mood, classical or instrumental music
may be tried to wee which is most effective for your students.
Each student should have a school folder in which all-important
papers are placed to go home. This folder can be used for homework
and will help keep the student organized.
Give each student his or her own small water bottle. They may be
allowed to refill it throughout the day as needed. This helps keep
the students hydrated, which results in increased mental alertness.
When all else fails, gain the students' attention by turning the
lights off. Students will quickly learns that this signifies that
the teacher mans business.
Allow the students to draw during classroom instruction, as appropriate.
Classrooms that operate on a point system, in which students can
make purchases, should have the "merchandise" displayed.
This works as a visual reminder and an incentive.
of the Week:
Find a special place in your classroom for recognition of student
effort and/or achievement.
It is very important for adults working in the classroom to establish
a close proximic when working with each student. Sitting next to
the student, speaking calmly to the student or just standing close
by may decrease disruptive behaviors.
Solving Forms:
Use one of the various problem solving forms created by the school
psychologist when conflicts arise. There are written as well as
pictorial forms that can be utilized. There is also a stock "Letter
of Apology" form than can be used when a student offends someone.
Support Plans:
A school psychologist may assist you in creating a BSR for those
students that have a pervasive behavior that needs to be replaced
by a more appropriate one.
Jobs: Assignments of responsibilities in the classroom bolster self-esteem
while providing prevocational experiences.
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